About Bradley

I'm Bradley Thomas and I'm proud to have been elected as the Member of Parliament for Bromsgrove and the Villages.

Born and raised in rural Worcestershire, the natural environment, a loving family and local schools gave me a great start in life, instilling a strong work ethic, sense of community and personal responsibility which motivated my political career to promote and defend our way of life, communities and their interests.

Conservatives are most in touch with individuals, families and communities at a grass roots level, understanding the hopes and aspirations that drive them and are best placed to empower individuals to make their own choices to fulfil their lives and aspirations.

Working in global energy I am immersed in one of our most critical challenges: delivering energy security and affordable, reliable power that drives prosperity and lowers bills.

I’ve served as a councillor since 2014 and served as leader of Wychavon District Council for five years from 2018 to 2023 during which time I delivered on the issues that matter:-

  • Low tax: Under my leadership Wychavon’s council tax was frozen for a total of 6 years, resulting in the 3rd lowest of all English district councils
  • Economy and strong communities: £28m invested over 6 years delivering jobs, new sport and leisure facilities including the world-class Evesham Velo Park and numerous village halls and community assets; town centre investment prospectuses delivered, driving new investment
  • Compassionate Conservatism: £1m invested in Evesham to get rough-sleepers off the streets, providing them with accommodation and support to rebuild their lives
  • Creating beautiful places: Delivering design codes that will set new minimum standards for housing, transforming Wychavon into the UK’s leading authority for good design and creating communities that we can be proud of. This is about more than just bricks and materials – tree-lined streets are essential alongside architectural styles that respect local heritage.
  • Environment: Wychavon’s Intelligently Green Plan is enhancing our environment, reducing carbon emissions and protecting our way of life

My priorities as a Conservative:

  • A strong economy, supporting businesses, attracting investment to creates jobs, driving skills that will power the economy of the future. This includes the role that technology will play in harnessing innovation and the impact that this will have on our social fabric
  • Financial sustainability delivering quality public services supported by an efficient, low tax base. Individuals know best how to spend their money not the state
  • Controlled immigration that supports British society without burdening taxpayers or public services  
  • Investing in our town centres to make them fit for the future with new retail options, a thriving night-time economy and leisure options that boost tourism
  • Improving our environment by reducing carbon emissions and increasing biodiversity
  • Promoting and protecting rural communities, supporting British farmers and strengthening the rural economy
  • Protecting the greenbelt whilst delivering beautifully designed new homes that all can be proud of
  • Promoting British interests including freedom of expression and trade against threats from hostile states

If you would like to find out more please don’t hesitate to get in touch.